IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Data Compression Engines (COMP)

This chapter describes Data Compression Engines (COMP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: COMP.005 algo, bad FCS nt network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.005 algo, bad FCS, net network ID.

Description: Decompressor found packet was corrupt on input, a bad CRC or similar sort of check value was invalid.



Short Syntax: COMP.008 LZS_Decomp returned got.

Long Syntax: COMP.008 LZS_Decomp returned got.

Description: Stacker decomp returned something faulty.



Short Syntax: COMP.009 alg,/compress err rc, doing doing,, nt network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.009 alg,/compress error rc, doing doing, on network network ID

Description: Compressor returned an error code. The "doing" parameter indicates what the compressor was working on.



Short Syntax: COMP.010 alg,/decompress err rc, doing doing,, nt network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.010 alg,/decompress error rc, doing doing, on network network ID

Description: Decompressor returned an error code. The "doing" parameter indicates what the decompressor was working on.



Short Syntax: COMP.011 alg, err nobuf net network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.011 alg, error, can't get buffer on network network ID

Description: Compression routine couldn't obtain work buffer.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.012 alg, nocomp cc cc, pktlen pktlen, cmplen cmplen, net network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.012 alg, nocompress cond code cc,, pkt-len pktlen, -> cmp-len cmplen,, on network network ID

Description: Packet was incompressible.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.013 alg, cmp: pkt len pktlen, -> send len cmplen,, net network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.013 alg alg, compress: original pkt len pktlen,, compressed pkt len cmplen,, on network network ID

Description: Per-packet trace compression results.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.014 alg, exp: pkt.len pktlen, <- recv len cmplen,, net network ID

Long Syntax: COMP.014 alg alg, expand: result pkt len pktlen,, received pkt len cmplen,, on network network ID

Description: Per-packet trace expansion results.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: COMP.019 Init fail: no mem for contexts; CMP disabled.

Long Syntax: COMP.019 Unable to allocate memory for compression contexts.

Description: The compression system was not able to allocate memory for the configured number of compression "contexts". The compression subsystem is inoperative.

Cause: The system does not have enough RAM, or too many contexts were configured.

Action: Reduce the number of contexts which are configured to be allocated, or reduce the memory requirements used by other parts of the system. Otherwise, must upgrade the amount of RAM in the router.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: COMP.020 CMP Init: max contexts = 0, CMP disabled.

Long Syntax: COMP.020 No compression contexts were configured. Compression is disabled.

Description: Compression has never been configured, or the number of contexts to allocate was set to zero. No contexts were allocated; and compression is disabled.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: COMP.021 CMP Init: allocated num_ctx contexts.

Long Syntax: COMP.021 Compression subsystem allocated num_ctx contexts.

Description: Space for the indicated number of contexts was allocated.



Short Syntax: COMP.022 No ctx available for net network ID channel channel

Long Syntax: COMP.022 No context available for network network ID channel channel.

Description: A net tried to allocate a compression context, but none was available. This normally means the maximum number of configured contexts has been reached.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.023 Autofreeing context # context owned by nt network ID.

Long Syntax: COMP.023 Autofreeing context # context owned by network network ID.

Description: A net allocated a compression context, but then did not free the context when the net went down. The compression utility library detected this and freed the context on its own.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.024 Allocated context # context_id nt network ID channel channel.

Long Syntax: COMP.024 Allocated context # context_id for network network ID channel channel.

Description: An interface allocated a compression context.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.025 Freed context # context_id nt network ID channel channel.

Long Syntax: COMP.025 Freed context # context_id for network network ID channel channel.

Description: An interface freed a compression context.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: COMP.026 Cmp net dn nt network ID.

Long Syntax: COMP.026 Compression observed netdown on monitored network network ID.

Description: The compression system detected a net going down for a net it is actively monitoring. The compression system will check for any unfreed contexts held by the net and release them.


Short Syntax: Compression subsystem couldn't allocate required memory.

Description: The compression subsystem could not allocate memory required for its normal operation. This is a more severe problem than indicated by message COMP_19, as it refers to allocation of internal tables whose size cannot be altered by configurable parameters, and which are sufficiently small that there should never be an allocation failure.


Short Syntax: An invalid NET identifier was detected in an internal call.

Description: The NET parameter passed to a function was invalid (probably NULL).


Short Syntax: An invalid CmpContext identifier was detected in an internal call.

Description: The CmpContext parameter passed to a function was invalid.

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